Dont buy Parts from Scrap Yard


A True Classic BMW e36 

Please do heed the advice from someone who has been in this trade for 60+ years.

It will save you a couple of thousand bucks, so what happened is the owner of this wanted to save a couple of hundred and end up spending over a thousand. He bought a used BMW e36 steeringrack from malaysia after trying his luck in Singapore. He drove the rack all the way from the KL Scrap Yard to Singapore just to save a couple of hundred bucks. 

But little did he know when he tried to install it, the oil sprayed all over his undercarriage. What happened in the end was he brought the rack to our partners to get it repaired in the end spending both the cost of the repair and the cost of a old rack.

Moral of the story just fix the rack from the start do not risk it to buy second hand scrap parts from the scrap yard. These scrap yards have no means to test these parts, when you buying from them you are basically taking 2 risks.

1. Install then find out its spoilt (waste the time and energy to remove and exchange)

2. Install, use for a few months (sit on a time bomb not knowing when it will spoil)

Why not just spending slightly more to get it fixed to save all this hassle?!

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